Instructions for Presenters

Oral Presentations

Each paper will have 15 minutes – usual 12 for presentation and 3 for Q&A and transition. The session chairs will manage the Q&A and keep the program on time.

All presenters will be sent a link to upload your presentations beforehand – you will not be allowed to connect your laptop to the projector during the session.

In-Person Presentations: All sessions are in an auditorium with a stage. The presenter will be at a lectern facing the audience (which keeps you in view of the camera for remote attendees), and the presentation will be on a projection screen behind you and on a display screen on the lectern. You will have either a laser pointer or a cursor to point.

Online Presenters: You will present on zoom, as usual. Your audio feed will also carry the Q&A from the room.

Poster Presentations

There are 20 posters in all – 15 in-person, and 5 online. All posters will be put up before the meeting start (at 8:15 AM) on Day-1, and will remain up for the duration of the meeting. All poster presenters – whether in-person or remote – will be asked to upload a PDF of their poster (upload instructions to follow).

Poster may be any size between W36”xH42” and W60”xH48” (units in inches, W=Width, H=Height).

In-Person Posters: Please bring a paper or cloth print of your poster – there are no poster printing facilities at the meeting.
The posters will be mounted on aluminum frames using clips (clips will be provided).

Online Posters: Further information on verbal engagement between online/in-person attendees and poster presenters during poster sessions will follow shortly.